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How to maintain the glasses cloth?

Release time:2023-02-14 14:02:54  Number of views:

The glasses cloth cannot be washed because it is easy to get knotted on the surface, which is very harmful to the eyes and easy to scratch the mirror surface. I recommend a method for you. When the glasses are dirty, you can apply hand sanitizer on the lenses, then gently rub the hand sanitizer with your fingers, and then turn the faucet down and move it slowly, so that the water column will wipe the lenses clean, and finally dry the remaining water drops with the glasses cloth. This can prolong the use time of the glasses cloth. Reminder: When using the flow of water column to wash the lens, it is necessary to move slowly, so that when moving from one end to the other, the water drops on the lens will be very small, or even directly dry.